convert list to xml VB.NET using LINQ
This example explains how to convert list type to XML using LINQ .
Create a class called Student
Class Student
Public Name As String,Grade As String
Public year As Integer
End Class
Public Name As String,Grade As String
Public year As Integer
End Class
Add List items of type Student
stuList.Add(New Student
Name="Shyam", Grade="A",year=1990
stuList.Add(New Student
Name = "Raghu", Grade = "B", year = 2010
stuList.Add(New Student
Name = "Paul", Grade = "C", year = 2001
stuList.Add(New Student
Name = "murthy", Grade = "D", year = 2010
stuList.Add(New Student
Name = "madam", Grade = "E", year = 2000
Create XML from List
For i As Integer = 0 To stuList.Count - 1
Dim ele As New XElement("Student", New XElement("Name", stuList(i).Name), New XElement("Grade", stuList(i).Grade), New XElement("Year", stuList(i).year))
Tags:convert list to xml VB.NET using LINQ,convert list to xml asp.neT,convert list to xml VB.NET,LINQ to XML XElement usage.